Executive Committee (Established January 2022 Meeting)
The Executive Committee is empowered to act on behalf of the Commission between Commission meetings, except for rulemaking or amendment of the Compact.
Name | Position | Term Expiration |
Claire Covert-ByBee (NE) | Chair | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Vickie Pullins (WV) | Vice-Chair | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Brenda Fairfax (NC) | Treasurer | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Alicia Barker (TN) | Secretary | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Vacant | Member-at-Large | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Tammy Brown (OH) | Member-at-Large | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Vacant | Member-at-Large | 2026 Annual Meeting |
Stephanie Czuhajewski (ADA) | Audiology Ex-Officio Member | N/A |
Susan Adams (ASHA) | SLP Ex-Officio Member | N/A |
Kerri Phillips (NCSB) | Board Ex-Officio Member | N/A |
Meeting information here.
Rules Committee (Established January 2022 Meeting)
The Rules Committee develops compact rules, bylaw amendments, and policies for consideration by the Commission and for implementation by the states. It also reviews existing rules and recommends changes to the Commission.
Chair: Gregg Thornton (OH)
Claire Covert-ByBee (NE)
Tamara Cranfill (KY)
Michael Zagarella (WV)
Meeting information here.
Finance Committee (Established January 2022 Meeting)
The Finance Committee provides financial oversight and ensures the Commission is operating within its budget and is developing financial resources to achieve its purposes.
Chair: Brenda Fairfax (NC)
Claire Covert-ByBee (NE), ex-officio
Jolie Jones (LA)
Denise Brown (NC)
Carrie Mills (TN)
Leticia White-Minnis (MO)
Meeting information here.
Compliance Committee (Established January 2022 Meeting)
The Compliance Committee monitors member states’ compliance with the compact and its rules.
Karen Thatcher (AL)
Alice Cellino (GA)
Jeanne Copeland (KS)
Committee will begin meeting later in the compact activation process.